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How Much Debt Can Your Health Support?

With high debt, even good health may not be enough.

Let's admit it. We all want to be loved, successful and rich. We all hope that the third time is a charm. And no one wants to go through life feeling lonely, unsuccessful or poor. But are you willing to pay the price for health?

The question sounds crazy but it's not. With high debt, even good health may not be enough, according to "Debt's far-reaching effect on mental well-being" an article by John Torous, MD of Harvard Medical School and Elizabeth H. Bradley Phd of Yale University School of Medicine published in The Journal of Pyschosomatic Research . When people feel overwhelmed by stressors such as huge loans, job anxiety or illness they might feel sicker than healthy people who have no money problems.

But even if they are not sick, people especially if they live alone who feel financially stressed out might withdraw socially and avoid relationships to save money on dinners or drinks . They become lonely and isolated which can also make them really sick. When people feel lonely , they release hormones that tell the brain it's time to eat more sugar, fat and salt which lead to obesity, diabetes and heart disease.

In today's world, money highly impacts our quality of life. Sure there are other things that can make us feel happy or sad, but money is a biggie.

According to the research article, "most Americans carry debt" with an average of $15,799 in credit card debt and $32,215 in mortgage debt. That's not including car payments or student loans . With so much debt most people don't have enough saved for emergencies like job loss , accident or illness which leave them financially unstable causing lots of stress.

But even with no savings, there are ways to ensure your health is not affected by financial problems.

1.Try to pay off your loan as fast as possible even if it means taking on another one.

2 . Try to live within your means. If you decide to take on new debt , make sure you can afford it.

3 . Tighten your belt and cut down unnecessary expenses like smoking or drinking.

4 . Plan how you will handle emergencies especially unexpected ones like having no money for food.

5 . Stay positive-believe that things will get better even if they don't right away because chances are they will .

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