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Urgent Care/Hospitals/Doctors during the pandemic

I had a two doctors appointments when the first confirmed case of the virus hit New Orleans. It was at that moment, sis knew she was about to park it inside. The first appointment was my yearly physical with my primary. I had to go. I had to tell her about all the weird stuff because she's an advocate. She said she just KNEW I'd cancel. No sis! I not only am trying to find out what's going on with me, I also need whatever tea you have on Ms. CoronaLashay Da'Virus.

The second appointment...I had to gone ahead and cancel that one because I was too paranoid at that point. Appointments got pushed back to May and June. May one I cancelled because it was the first Monday of the phase one and people had no behavior. The ones in June, I kept them all. I'm proud of me.

I was nervous. Over the time of my different appointments, I went to three different facilities. Since my diagnosis, I have anxiety around new places and new people. So, thankfully, I'd been to all three locations but I was going to see a new doctor at one of them and that turned out to be a fool, honey.

However, in terms of safety, I felt great! My hospital system has installed geo location around their buildings. So, once you enter the property, the app asks you to check in on your phone. Then it instructs you to stay in the car until they are ready to see you. Therefore, you don't have to wait long once they call you up. They are essentially ready to take you back. That leaves the least amount of interaction time with other patients. The waiting rooms had either had seats removed or taped off to prevent people from sitting closely. There was also sanitizer everywhere and not to mention the temperature scans. Two had a person do a forehead scan. The third had a machine scanning you.

I can worry my way out of my own body yall and I had no issues and was not afraid of having come in contact with anything or anyone I shouldn't have at these appointments.

So when I recently felt my throat getting really dry and I saw something strange on my tonsils, I automatically knew I had to go to urgent care. I was going to wait until the next day but I didn't want to risk it being strep and feeling THAT PAIN. So, I looked to see if it was past peak time and it was. The urgent care is in my same hospital system, so I was confident that they were taking all the precautions. So, I went and got checked out and it wasn't strep! My throat was just irritated from all the nasal drip. Yuck.

Have you been to the doctor during the pandemic with a chronic condition?

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